Thursday, June 4, 2009

CPNS : PNS 2010 Salary Increases

The government has memprogramkan again to gradually increase salaries and equally the Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) and members of the TNI / police in 2010, as an effort to improve their welfare.

"The government will increase the salary of civil servants and military / police in 2010 in stages, and that can be mereta or all at once," said State Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas, Paskah Suzetta, in Bandarlampung, Monday.

When the opening of Meetings Koordinsi (Rakor) the governor of the se-Sumatera Selatan (Sumasgel) joined in the forum area, Bengkulu, Lampung, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bangka and Belitung (Belajasumba), Paskah Suzetta, said the salary increase of government officials and state programs that include delayed and will be realized in 2010.

Mengemukaman ministers also, of course with a program that is asked, why was the only civil servant salaries, and members of TNI / police, not the overall welfare of society secera.

It was, he said, because the apparatus is a civil servant engaged in public services that need to get a better handling of first, while the welfare of the community also hold diupyakakan peningkatanya in many ways and programs.

Because tu, he said further economic harapanpertumbuhan with the increasing in the middle of a global crisis, the government in the future anyone Presidennya have a good short-term program, memengah, and long to be disukseskan together.
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